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  3. Dynamic Campaign Creation

How to use dynamic keywords match type in campaign creation?

The following article details the actions you should take in case you want to use the same keyword but with a different match type in each ad group.

Step 1: Begin working on "Feeditor":

Select the feed version you would like to use as your data source for the campaign.

Add a new column - "match_type" - and save:

2. Create the following actions on the "match_type" column:

Insert the match types you would like to use in your campaign.

Note: You have to write the match types in this exact format:


Step 2: Continue to build your campaign in the "keywords" tab on Views:

1. Click on +keyword button so start building your campaign.

2. Fill in all the fields.

3. For Ad Group, make sure to add a dynamic value using the "match_type" column as below.

3. For keywords, in "Match Type", choose "Dynamic {match_type}" and save.

Finish creating your campaign in the "Ads" tab as usual.