How to use the top toolbar? (Feeditor)

This article will detail the various options in the top menu on Feeditor

Advertiser: Choose the advertiser to work on

Feed: Choose the feed to work on

Version: Choose the version to work on

Auto save: automatically save all the changes in the feed version

Save: manually save the changes in the feed version

Add column: Add a custom label to your feed version

Columns: Enables you to change a columns placement in the feed and hide/unhide columns

Search: Search for an item (or other values) in the feed 

Refresh: Refresh the feed cache

Export: Publish the feed version to different channels

Sample mode: Display only 50 random rows from the entire feed.

Live mode: Filters/actions will be applied in real-time for all items.

*when Live mode is off, the Execute button will apply the actions/filters for all items in the feed.