How to add Google Product Category?

Use this if you don't have yet categories set for your products, or to improve your existing product categories.

Step 1: On the left toolbar click on Enrich, choose Google product category and click the right arrow to open Google product category settings.

Step 2: choose between Default Settings and Advanced Settings:

Default Settings: 

Categorize based on the title (+description columns).

Advanced Settings:  

Data Columns: Which columns to use for the data to predict categories

Top Category: Select if the entire feed has just one base category, e.g. Health & Beauty.

Category level: How many category levels will be included. e.g. if 2 is selected: Apparel & Accessories > Jewelry

Step 3: Click "Save" > click Apply Enrich

Now a new column named "Google Product Category" is added to your feed view.

* Note that this feature works optimally only for feeds in English. 

How to change the order of the columns? click here (Drag & Drop)

Don't forget to save the version!