What are the different types of conditions I can apply to my feed? (Feeditor)

These are the condition types you can use for your actions in Feeditor

You can add conditions for each action, so the action will be applied only when there is a certain condition.

Type of Conditions

  • Equals or Does Not Equal - Enter an exact value to be included or excluded.
  • Begins WithEnds WithContains, or Does Not Contain - Enter a value from the text.
  • Value List - Enter bulk exact values.
  • Length Expression – For text field, you can set the length with >= < ( [brand] < 10).
  • Seasonality - Seasonal monthly range. For example, filter items between May- November (Or the opposite – hide items between those months).
  • Words/Characters Length - Keep field with a certain limit of words or characters.

Combining Conditions

And – The action will be executed on cells where ALL conditions apply.

Or – The actions will be executed on cells where some of the conditions apply.

*switch between And/Or by clicking on it